SleepWELL Resources

Diabetes and Sleep: How Does One Affect the Other?

It’s not always easy to get a full night of quality sleep. In fact, one-third of adults in the United States don’t sleep enough. Sleep loss can lead to higher risks of serious health problems, including type 2 diabetes.

Managing diabetes becomes difficult when you don’t get enough sleep. For example, sleep affects food choices and how your body reacts to insulin. People with diabetes are also more likely to have sleep disorders. We discuss links between diabetes and sleep as well as tips to help people with diabetes sleep more easily.

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How to Improve Your Sleep With Diabetes

There is a connection between sleep and diabetes. Diabetes can cause sleep disturbances, yet adequate sleep directly benefits blood sugar management. If we’re not getting quality sleep it can be a vicious circle. But I can give you some tips for improving your sleep.

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How Can Type 1 Diabetes Affect Sleep?
Getting a good night’s rest can help in blood glucose management as well as overall health. So what should you watch out for if you have Type 1? Here are the most common sleeping disorders that you may be faced with and some basic advice on how to maintain healthy sleep hygiene.
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Diabetes & Sleep
People with diabetes have interrupted sleep on a regular basis – from need to urinate during the night because of high blood sugars, waking to treat a low blood sugar and then having difficulty falling back to sleep, high and low CGM alarms or even worries about diabetes that keep you up at night.
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Lack of Sleep and Diabetes

Diabetes and sleep are intricately connected, and many people with type 2 diabetes experience poor sleep quality or insomnia. The good news is that careful attention to diet, exercise, and blood sugar levels can make a world of difference to sleep quality and, in turn, to overall health.

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